♥ Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Two songs
There is two songs in front dedicate to Brandon Koh Rong Xuan
i know that he will not listen and come to my blog cos he dunno sia
so hope that you all like it
:)i can tell you now that i hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him times infinities :(
♥ Monday, December 21, 2009
another dz sianzz.........
haix another daz sian sia, reallie so sian, hope to go to school,i am going to chij
"what chij OMG why OMG,you re gonna be lesbian sia"this is what everybody's expression sia.i am used to it liao,todae i go and take the result slip,i don't even know need sia,luckily Zheng Yu told me sia,then i won't be so like outdatd like that,Thanks Zheng Yu:) i bet no one go to CHIJ in my school lar
hope that i can see at least one familiar face tomoro,but i think it is probably a miracle lar.hehe.......todae when i go and take the result slip i saw Yun Hui and her friends, she is going guangyuang leh...kimber is going there too sia,can't believe it sia,so lucky that tomoro Yun Hui maybe can meet until Kimber,hope also that they re in the same class lor.LoL, do you think that i am siao liao.nvm lar
i am gonna say one more time
♥ Sunday, December 20, 2009
Todae nothing to do sia now then online, raining all day long makes me feels more sian sia,it's been a long time i did not blog liao,nothing to blog leh hehe.....oh btw tomoro is 22nd Dec dunno will you all be nervous a not cos you will know that which school you re going to ,for me obviously i will not be so nervous lar the mother ask me to go to chij i dun'e sia, so sian going there....
going to a deffierent place makes me feel uncomfortable, i dun't want to go but this is the fact of your life no choosing sia,so remember going to one different don't forget your primary school friends as they are the most 单纯(hope that you know what is the meaning) so remember that you must not forget kays? last but not least wish you all a Happy Christmas Day :):);):0:):);)
♥ Friday, December 4, 2009
break is the end......
it just seem this happen yesterday.i just can.t forget the way he write break up to me,the way he say rubbish to me,the moment he made me cry,'we can.t continue anymore'it felt so mean and it hurts a lot just like yesterday he say he likes me today he say he wanna to break.....
i still remember the time we are used to be a very good friends.actually we dunno each other till we sat together as a group,remember tat me and cristel always tease you,but you just won.t angry.your character is always like tat.the moment i cry becos javen show me a thing tat i don.t like.you will panic and try to make me laugh.:)we always walk home together.you told me your troubles and we both laugh together we you tells joke.we are just like a very good friends.your clumsiness always make me laugh like hell.somedays suddenly kimber shouted'hf like you after our lesson.i think tat he is just kidding .so i say'unless he told me tat' just past few days.at sat. he called me
'hello may i speak to kaitan pls'
'oh hello kaitan.i got something to tell you'